Invite Your Friends to Pay Per Head Bookmaking for Christmas

by WagerHome Blog on December 22, 2020

This year give the Christmas gift that keeps on giving – a pay per head bookmaking partnership that will make 2021 your most profitable year yet as an independent bookmaker.

The NBA season is here, the NHL is just a couple of weeks away, the College Football Playoff is set, and when the new year begins, so do the NFL Playoffs. No doubt, 2020 was a challenging year for everyone in the sports betting business, but the next 12 months are getting started with a full schedule of the best sports betting of the year.

As the calendar turns, now is a better time than ever before to start your own pay per head bookmaking service, and you can’t go wrong when partnering with a quality PPH provider like

What is Pay Per Head Bookmaking?

A pay per head bookmaking service operates like your standard outsourcing service. You remain the boss, and the business remains yours, but you no longer are tasked with doing all of the administrative duties on your own.

Customer service, the handling of financial transactions from clients, the compiling of individual client reports – all of that becomes the duty of the pay per head bookmaking service. And once you are free of the busy work, you can concentrate on growing the business and keeping your clients happy.

You also get your own customizable website that remains your property, and all for a small fee per client. It’s like having an accountant, an IT specialist, a customer service department, and an administrative assistant, all rolled into one very inexpensive employee.

Betting Odds and Wager Options

One of the biggest reasons people are hesitant to get into independent bookmaking, or fail to grow their current bookmaking business, is the daily challenge of keeping your odds updated. Player news is continually changing, and the odds of upcoming events reflect this. And, if you’re an independent bookmaker, the only way to stay on top of the odds is to reduce the number of sports you offer.

With a good pay per head service like, those odds will be updated automatically. No longer will an injury that changes a game catch you by surprise. No more bad lines that drive bettors away or put too much action on one side, leaving you open to a bad loss. And no more clients leaving your service because you don’t offer the sports they want to wager.

When you use a reputable pay per head bookmaking service, you get your full choice of sports from around the world, and the automated and updated odds that make those offerings worthwhile. No more staying up late reading game scores and previews to avoid setting a bad line.

Other Perks of Pay Per Head Bookmaking

The sports calendar is filling up. Long gone are the early days of COVID that left us longing for Russian table tennis. But even so, your clients like to have options – like full access to parimutuel wagering. Or how about the 24/7 online casino offering by, complete with live dealers for blackjack and roulette. Integrating the 24/7 online casino with your providings, which can help your business appeal to clients who aren’t as focused on the sports betting element.

These are additional ways for your clients to enjoy the new Christmas gift of your pay per head bookmaking partnership while giving you different means of revenue. It’s the gift where everybody wins!

Get a demo today at, and sign up for your free four-week trial before making any commitments. Our 24/7 customer support makes things as efficient as possible, for you and for your clients. Give it a shot today!

WagerHome BlogInvite Your Friends to Pay Per Head Bookmaking for Christmas

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